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Charger Perforated Roof Liner


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Expected ship date:26 May 2025(if ordered today)
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This brand new roof liner is sold as a finished product. It has been sewn to the correct shape with sleeves ready to fit your roof liner bows.

This "perforated" material is a similar to what was factory fitted in "smoker" optioned vehicles.
The holes are evenly spaced, they are not in the original "snake-bite" pattern.

For the closet to factory fitted colour, please select "White" as your colour choice.

Customer Reviews

Average Customer Rating
Build Quality
Ease of Installation
good quality - but not an easy install - not HP's fault By Andrew (posted on 7/03/2019)
So the headlining is great, not a perfect match for the snake bite factory look but hey will look better than your torn and nicotine stained original... the installation job is not an easy one, you have to remove the windscreen and rear window and pretty much everything else. The steel hoops that go across the roof when you eventually manage to remove one put a bit of tape on it with where it was located ie front, back,middle 1 & 2 they are all slightly different and if you mix them up you will never get it back together. The product is good and HP provide enough vinyl to redo your "A pillar trims and the sun visors although its probably better to get a trimmer to redo your sunvisors

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Additional Information

SKU 116.91288
Factory Comparison Direct Replacement
Sale Unit Each
Roof Liner Model Charger
© 2023 Hemi Performance. All Rights Reserved.

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