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Hastings Plasma Moly Piston Ring Set : .005" 360ci small block

Expected ship date:9 Dec 2024(if ordered today)
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We offer only the best piston rings for our engine rebuilds. With years of experience building Chrysler engines, you can trust us to supply you with the best parts to build a reliable engine.

Plasma moly's incredible bonding strength results in a high resistance to heat, flaking, and cylinder scuffing. Increased porosity improves top ring lubrication.

This piston ring set is suitable for Chrysler 360 engines that are built standard through to high performance using pistons that require a wide groove ring set.

Ring Specifications

  • Diameter: 4.005"
  • Top ring: 5/64" Plasma moly coated grey iron
  • 2nd ring: 5/64" Phosphate coated grey iron
  • 3rd ring: 3/16" Oil Ring: Low or standard tension

When Hastings® invented the revolutionary Flex-Vent oil ring in 1956, a new era in piston ring technology began. It all started with the introduction of Ford’s first V8 engine in 1932. The one-piece cast iron oil ring was not suitable and no other manufacturer had developed an oil ring that could control the oil in this new high compression engine. Hastings® developed the then Steel-Vent oil ring and won immediate acceptance by Ford and the aftermarket as the only piston ring to use for proper oil control in Ford’s first V8 engine. Today, the Flex-Vent oil ring has become the international standard in low friction and high efficiency oil control, unmatched in quality and performance. Hastings® also offers the broadest selection of moly, chrome and cast iron compression rings with over nine different compression ring profile designs. Hastings® advanced engineering provides intricate compression ring and groove combinations that are motor engineered (matched) to meet the unique operating conditions for each particular engine. Only Hastings® can guarantee the right piston ring combination for every engine application. Hastings® compression rings, together with Flex-Vent oil rings provide the ultimate piston ring set. Other manufacturers attempt to play catch up and emulate Hastings® original patented design but with nearly a 50 year head start, Hastings® has perfected the piston ring development process beyond reproach. That’s why the worlds biggest engine manufacturers: Chrysler, Ford, GM and Honda all specify Hastings® as their piston ring of choice.

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