Review Details
Complete "Vintage Air" Under Dash Air Conditioner/Heater/Demister System (includes DIY lines & fittings) : suit Hemi 6 (VG/VH/VJ/VK/CL/CM)
Tim's Rating:
Posted on 22/05/2023
Repeated compressor failures of the seal
- As good as the shiny finish is on the cal custom compressor, form follows function. The third compressor has leaked the r134a out the seal. I have not been refunded at this stage. I have fitted a genuine Denso. I can show (an independent arbiter) that all procedures were correctly followed, cleanliness observed. The pressures used in this system are lower than the compressors design capability so it is impossible to cause seal failure. I have extensive experience installing and repairing A/C. Dye stain at the seal 3 compressors in a row